Last updated on April 8th, 2020 at 06:49 am
More and more people are discovering the secret pleasures of walking. The fast pace of life today, the pressure to perform and the flood of information have created an urge for conscious slowing down, inner peace and getting away from “always available”. Pilgrimages are becoming more and more popular with young and old.
Nature touches the senses
Meadows and fields shine in intense colours, in the European nature reserve Unterer Inn birds chirrup and sing while in the Kobernaußerwald, the green lung of the Innviertel, a moist and cool smell rises to the nose. The slightly bitter taste of wild herbs on the wayside remains, your gaze surveys the distance around you and a light breeze blows in your face ….
Distracted by these sensory perceptions, your thoughts can run free. The gaze becomes clearer – clearer about what is important in life. Is it really surprising that the number of pilgrims is increasing? Certainly in the Innviertel.

Photo: Tourismusverband s’Innviertel | © Alois Litzlbauer
In addition to numerous places of pilgrimage – which are easier to reach on foot, by car or by bike – the Innviertel also offers a wide range of pilgrimage trails: the Marienwanderweg, the Via Nova and the Innviertl Way of St James (Jakobsweg).
The Marienwanderweg
The Marienwanderweg connects the Austrian pilgrimage sites of the Innviertel devoted to the Virgin Mary, St. Marienkirchen am Hausruck and Maria Schmolln, with the most important pilgrimage site in Germany – Altötting.
In addition to these three places of pilgrimage, there are many other churches and chapels devoted to Mary worth seeing along the Marienwanderweg hiking trail. With a length of 130 km, the Marien-Wanderweg is a popular long-distance hiking trail in the Innviertel.
On your own or as part of a group
Those who like to travel in a group can take a look at packages which offer a trained pilgrimage guide, which offer different possibilities on various topics, dates and routes.
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