“In die Grean gehen” – going into the green countryside with the wine grower – is a springtime tradition in the Weinviertel region of Lower Austria. The locals in the Weinviertel have been reviving an …
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Discover some of the culinary history and traditions of Austria’s food and drink. Visit the towns and villages where delicacies are cooked, brewed and distilled as they were in days gone by.
“In die Grean gehen” – going into the green countryside with the wine grower – is a springtime tradition in the Weinviertel region of Lower Austria. The locals in the Weinviertel have been reviving an …
Continue readingTraditional or exotic, fruity or savoury: this weekend’s Seefeld Strudel Market features the patissiers of the Olympiaregion Seefeld and the many different varieties of the traditional Austrian speciality. The selection at the Seefeld Strudel Market, …
Continue readingThe Greßl family from the Waldviertel specialise in producing cold-pressed oil from grey, blue and white poppies. Selected poppy varieties have been cultivated in the fields around the “Waldviertler Mohnhof” for many years, and they …
Continue readingThe wealth of herbs and spices at Kräutermanufaktur Sallmannsberg in Upper Austria is practically unlimited. The products run the range of the German alphabet, from A for Ananasminze (‘pineapple mint’) to Z for Zitronenverbene (‘lemon …
Continue readingStyria and pumpkin seed oil – a combination that is growing in popularity. The oil speciality with the characteristic nutty taste is also much more than “just” a food for the Thomann family at the …
Continue readingFormer university and college professor Maria Wedenigg has switched into a second career producing walnut oil in the southern Austrian province of Carinthia. While she was working as a professor she found little time to …
Continue readingThe Hamersky family from the Waldviertel region of Lower Austria are a rarity – they are the only breeders of Texas Longhorn cattle in the country. “We are a young, down-to-earth, innovative family with our …
Continue readingDrift back in time in the coffee houses of Vienna with their long tradition and stylish ambience. Hardly anywhere else in the world do coffee houses play such an important role as in Vienna. People …
Continue readingAll it takes is a few stops with the city tram, a short walk and visitors already find themselves in the vineyards and heurige around Vienna. Vienna is one of the few capital cities in …
Continue readingVisitors to the west of Austria can take advantage of a new culinary activity programme in the Vorarlberg this autumn. The Herbst.Genuss.Zeit (‘Autumn.Pleasure.Time’) is running in the Kleinwalsertal, the Großwalsertal, the Klostertal and in the …
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