The wealth of herbs and spices at Kräutermanufaktur Sallmannsberg in Upper Austria is practically unlimited. The products run the range of the German alphabet, from A for Ananasminze (‘pineapple mint’) to Z for Zitronenverbene (‘lemon verbena’).
Herb fields, meadows and hedges are the basis for the products that are created at Kräutermanufaktur Sallmannsberg.
The organic farm has specialised in the cultivation of tea and spice herbs since 2009. And these herbs, spices and flowers that thrive here are “privileged”: The seedlings are largely planted in the fields and tended by hand there.
The plants are carefully dried in the farm’s own drying facility after being carefully harvested – at a maximum of 40 degrees Celsius to preserve the valuable essential oils and colour in the harvested herbs. Afterwards, the herbs and spices are packed by hand.

© Netzwerk Kulinarik – AMA Genussregion
Original soils and the sensitive handling make the products natural and high-quality food. Among them are fine fruit and herb vinegars, which, like all other products, can be bought in farm shops and in the farm’s own organic farm shop.
Mixed in with the herb fields are meadow orchards and wild fruit hedges that provide shelter and create a habitat for insects which help the crops. They also provide sloes, rose hips, chokeberries and rock pears. The herbal manufacturer’s own bees take care of pollination.
Old, particularly robust and tasty varieties of apples, quinces, medlars, chestnuts, cherries, pears, plums, walnuts and elderberries also grow on the farm. They are processed into jam, syrup, jelly and dried fruits.
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