A wooden granary dating back to the 17th century is being slowly reconstructed at the open-air farmhouse museum in the Tyrolean town of Kramsach.
“The discussions and preparations for this have been going on for a year,” said Thomas Bertagnolli, the museum’s scientific director. The object in question is a listed granary from the 17th century. Until recently it stood in the Obernbergtal, a side valley leading off the Wipp valley south of Innsbruck.
“It is the oldest granary in this area,” says Bertagnolli. The four- by five-metre building will be appropriately placed next to the Wipptaler-Hof, near the entrance to the museum.

© Grießenböck
The transfer of the building is an art in itself. First it had to be dismantled into its individual parts. It took the two museum employees Manfred Mayr and Martin Werlberger four days just to dismantle it.
“Every board, every nail must be numbered and labelled. The assembly then resembles a huge puzzle,” explained Manfred Mayr. The granary stands on four mighty cornerstones which form the foundation.
The two carpenters have already been working together for over 30 years as experts on historical farm transfers and they only need one day for the reconstruction. “I don’t need a construction plan for this, we are a well-rehearsed team”, Mayr said.
Information boards near the new building will provide details about corn and the building’s function. This brings the total population of the open-air museum to 14 farms and 24 outbuildings. The Tyrolean Farmhouse Museum is open daily until 31 October.
More information: www.museum-tb.at