Water from the mountain springs far away gushes out of the historic fountains in Vienna, as well as from the everyday household taps.
Vienna can be explored from very different perspectives and the city’s numerous historical fountains are worth a closer look. The artistic water fountains tell fascinating stories, offer refreshment and are usually also a place to relax.
Water from the springs in the mountains of Lower Austria and Styria flow out of all of them from spring to late autumn.
The highlights?
These include the Schweizerhofbrunnen (Swiss Court Fountain) with the ornamental imperial double-headed eagle in the Swiss Wing of the Hofburg. Built in 1552, it is the oldest existing fountain in the city.

© Österreich Werbung | Julius Silver
If you walk a little further to Michaelerplatz, you will see a dramatic fountain setting. On the right, mighty sculptures depict “Power at Sea”, on the left “Power on Land”.
The picture at the Graben (image at top of article) is more peaceful. There, St. Joseph and St. Leopold watch over fountains with water-spouting lions.
At the Hoher Markt, the baroque Vermählungsbrunnen (Marriage Fountain) attracts attention. The sculptures depict the marriage of Mary and Joseph by the high priest.
The fountain on Schwarzenbergplatz glows in colourful light in the darkness. It was erected in 1873 on the occasion of the completion of Vienna’s first high spring water pipeline. The two fountains in the Rathauspark, on the other hand, have been providing spring water from the II Vienna High Spring Water Pipeline since 1910.

© Wiener Wasser | Christian Houdek
Many inspiring fountain walks can be undertaken in Vienna. The City of Vienna looks after around 55 “monumental and memorial fountains”. A number of other fountains are cared for by other institutions. Most of the fountains are located in and around the 1st district and in the city’s numerous parks.
More information: www.wien.info