Last updated on April 8th, 2020 at 06:49 am
The Dobratsch Nature Park is situated on the Villacher Alpe in Carinthia. It has long been one of the Austrian regions which has dedicated itself to soft tourism.
In the winter walkers, snowshoe hikers and ski tourers share the quiet, 2,166-metre-high mountain ridge and its slopes.
The hiking trails are signposted and lead to the summit, where visitors can stop for refreshments in the Gipfelhaus.

¨© Region Villach Tourismus | Stefan Leitner
The starting point for ski tourers is Heiligengeist. From here there are three variants: the tour to the Aichingerhütte with a walking time of one and a half hour; the two-hour secnic tour to the Rosstratte; or the more demanding three-hour tour to the 10er Haus.
Cross-country skiers complete their circuits in the Villach Alpine Arena at the foot of the mountain. The cross-country trails are illuminated in the evening until 20.00.
A way to make an environmentally friendly journey to the Dobratsch Nature Park is by taking the shuttle bus from Villach railway station. It operates on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays.
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